Find out about who supplies the Harvest Farm Shop

Silent Haven
Silent Haven Silent Haven is 20 acres of wild woodland, organically and sensitively managed in order to support a wide ...

Emma’s Bread
Emma's Bread Emma’s Bread is real bread made using traditional methods resulting in a flavour and texture to satisfy the ...

Taw River Dairy
Taw River Dairy Sam and Katie have a small herd of Jersey cows producing some amazing full cream milk in ...

McG Apple Juice
McG Apple Juice McG Apple Juice supply us with great apple juice Our apple juices are unique. The distinct and ...

Shillingford Organics
Shillingford Organics Glorious vegetables from the team at Shillingford Shillingford Organics is all about growing seasonal, organic vegetables, salad, herbs ...

Norsworthy Goats
Norsworthy Dairy Goats Raw goats milk and cheeses - pasture fed and GM free! Artisan cheese makers Dave and Marilyn ...

Hilltown Organics
Hilltown Organics Hilltown Organics is the name of Martin and Sara's small market garden on the edge of Dartmoor where ...