Wildlife Walks Through Okehampton’s Old Town Park
These two ‘Woodland Wildlife Walk’ videos are based on two Springtime walks in the woods around Okehampton, capturing both the peaceful atmosphere and the fascinating range of wildlife that is critically important to us. A few references are made to some potential wildlife habitat volunteering activities that, once lockdown is over, we can get together and celebrate the vibrance of our community by making a positive difference for nature.
Walk One
Walk Two
Old Town Park in Okehampton is a Local Nature Reserve which is full of interesting wildlife and heritage features. The neighbouring wet flush grassland is also full of life but both are precious and need our care.
Matt Parkins
Matt Parkins from Raven Quest is a woodland naturalist and a big fan of wildlife and of the benefits it offers to people.
Woods and trees and the wild species associated with them has been a lifelong passion which has developed into both a hobby and a satisfying work life. As a self-employed conservationist, Matt works in woodland restoration projects around Dartmoor and, as a volunteer, he monitors wildlife in the woods in Okehampton. Matt is also a tutor, running courses for local communities that are embedded in the understanding of nature and how we humans are inextricably linked to the vital web of life. He also enjoys leading guided walks, focussed around our connection with wild places and the soothing effect it can bring to our mental health. We are, after all, totally reliant on fresh air and clean water and healthy ecosystems for our wellbeing and survival.
Matt admires the intelligence and skilled communication of the raven which can be seen and heard nesting in the tall trees around Dartmoor’s woodlands. Follow ‘Raven Quest’ on Twitter and Facebook @dartmoorraven1